Rabu, 03 Juni 2015


What is relative clauses,explain and find passage and determine its relative clauses

1. Definition of clause
Clause is a grammatical unit that has a level above and below the sentence phrases, form groups of at kurangnyaterdiri word on the subject and predicate, and has the potential to be a sentence (Kiridalaksana, 1993: 110). Is said to have the potential to be a sentence because although not a sentence, in many ways no different from the sentence clauses, except in the case of the absence of the final intonation or punctuation that characterize the sentence.
In construction consisting of S and P clauses can be accompanied by O, Pel, and Ket, or not. In this regard, the core element of the clause is S and P. However, in practice the elements of S are often omitted. For example in complex sentences (or rather sentences plural) and the sentence is the answer. (Ramlan 1987: 89).
For example:
Together with his wife, Mr. Salah brought souvenirs.

Sentence (1) consists of three clauses, ie clauses (a) together with his wife, clause (b) Mr. Salah came, and clause (c) bring souvenirs. Clause (a) consists of elements P, followed by Pel, clause (b) consists of S and P, and clause (c) consisting of P followed O. Due to the incorporation of the clause third, S in clause (a) and (c) dilesapkan ,

Characteristics clause
The characteristics of the clause is as follows: (1) there is a clause in the predicate, nothing more and nothing less; (2) clause may be subject to a sentence if her final intonation; (3) in the plural sentences, clauses are part of the sentence; (4) The clause can be expanded by adding attributes of functions that is not in the clause; besides the addition of constituent attributes on one or any existing syntactic functions.

Types of clauses
Clauses can be classified based on four issues, namely (1) the completeness of its internal elements: a complete clause and the clause is not complete, (2) presence or absence of words that negate P: clauses negative and positive clauses, (3) the predicate primary categories: verbal clauses and clauses nonverbal, (4) and the possibility of independence to be a sentence: an independent clause, clause incorporated.

What is conditional sentences? how many types are there? give examples min 5 for each type ?
2. Definition and Examples of Conditional Sentences
Conditional sentences are conditional sentence has two clauses (main clause and the clause) that is connected using the word "IF". This sentence has a meaning of "if" or "if".

1.     First Conditional
2.     Second Conditional
3.     Third Conditional

1. First Conditional

If V1 + S +, S + will + V1 + O

Example sentences First Conditional Sentences:
If I have free time, I will play football
If the school bell rings, I'll go home.
If she invite you, will you come?

2. Second Conditional

If + S + v2, S + would + v1 + O

Example Sentences Second Conditional
If I married with Nina, I would be happy. (If I was married to Nina, I'll be happy.)
If Karlo Became rich, he would marry her. (If Karlo became rich, he would marry her.)
If it snowed next June, what would you do ?. (If the winter months of June to come, what would you do?)

3. Third Conditional

If + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3 + O

Examples of Third Conditional Sentence
If I had seen Gina, I would have told her. (If I met Gina, I'll tell him.)
If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home? (If yesterday's rain, would you stay home?)

If Virly had been free yesterday, I would have invited her. (If Virly holiday yesterday, I would invite him.)

Sabtu, 25 April 2015

Mention and explain kinds of pronoun, give examples for each kind!

1.      Mention and explain kinds of pronoun, give examples for each kind!
A. Personal Pronouns
These are pronouns that refer mostly to human beings. However, the word 'it' does not refer to human beings, but is a Personal Pronoun. So, we have a more grammatical way of defining Personal Pronouns so that we can include the hapless it in the Personal Pronoun family. A Personal Pronoun is a pronoun which belongs to any of the three grammatical persons. The list of pronouns which belong to this group are: I, we, you, he, she, it, and they.
The personal pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and who. More often than not (but not exclusively), they replace nouns representing people. When most people think of pronouns, it is the personal pronouns that usually spring to mind.
Examples :
-          Is this mine or yours?
-          We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
B. Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns are used to show or identify one or a number of nouns that may be far or near in distance or time. They are only four in number - This, That, These and Those. This and That are singular demonstrative pronouns and These and Those are plural demonstrative pronouns. They can also be used to show an unspecified quantity in a sentence.
That is a beautiful house. - That is a demonstrative pronoun that is referring to a specific noun (house). This is a singular pronoun as it is referring to only one house.
These were made by me. - These is showing an unspecified quantity of something that was made by a person. This is a plural demonstrative pronoun as it’s referring to a number of objects.
Everyone remembers those days. - Those is showing a particular time or period of days in the past; it is being used in place of a noun that could be - school, summer, college, etc. Here also those is a plural demonstrative pronoun as it’s indicating a number of days.
This is what he is charging? - This is used as pronoun in place of a number and it is also acting as a quantifier by referring not only to the noun but to the amount/number of the noun as well. This is a singular demonstrative pronoun.
Examples :
-          She gave me this gift. (this - Demonstrative Adjective)
-          Those are totally awesome.
-          These are my children.
C. Indefinite Pronouns
Unlike demonstrative pronouns, which point out specific items, indefinite pronouns are used for non-specific things. This is the largest group of pronouns. All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, none, one and no one are the most common.
When we say, "Somebody stole my watch," we don't know to whom the word somebody refers to. The word somebody is an Indefinite Pronoun.
            Examples :
-          Nobody was answering when I called them last.
-          We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
D. Distributive Pronouns                        
These pronouns refer to individual elements in a group or a pair, one individual at a time.
Examples :
-          each - "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
-          any - You may bring any of your friends.
E. Reciprocal Pronouns
      These pronouns are found in pairs. They are really a subject-object pair compressed. We'll find this if we expand the sentence in which they are present, as in the first example below. Reciprocal pronouns are used for actions or feelings that are reciprocated. The two most common reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another.
      Examples :
-          They talk to each other like they're babies.
-          Good people help one another to succeed.

F. Relative Pronous
      Relative Pronouns are used to join or relate two different clauses together by referring to the noun in the previous clause using the pronouns - Who, Whom, Whose, Which and That.
      Examples :
-          Dr Adam Sissons, who lectured at Cambridge for more than 12 years, should have known the difference.
-          This is the day that we have waited for so long
G. Interrogative pronouns
These pronouns are used in questions. Although they are classified as pronouns, it is not easy to see how they replace nouns. Who, which, what, where and how are all interrogative pronouns.
Examples :
-          Which dog won the race?
-          Whose is this wallet?
H. Possesive Pronouns
      They are sort of pronouns in that they refer to an understood noun, showing possession by that noun of something. They are technically adjectives, though, because they modify a noun that follows them. Possessive pronouns are used to show possession. As they are used as adjectives, they are also known as possessive adjectives. My, your, his, her, its, our and their are all possessive pronouns..
      Examples :
-          I gambled it all away on your race horse.
-          Have you seen her book?
I. Reflexsive Pronouns
      The reflexive pronouns aremyself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. These words can be either reflexive pronouns or emphatic pronouns.This page is about their use as reflexive pronouns. A reflexive pronoun is used with another noun (or pronoun) when something does something to itself.
      Examples :
-          Brian pinched himself.
-          The members argued amongst themselves for an hour.

2.      There are 3 types of question word! Explain those 3 types along with their examples!
1.      Yes / No Question
The first thing to remember is that there are two main kinds, 'yes / no' and 'wh'. To form yes/no questions where there is an auxiliary verb or a modal verb, we invert the word order of a positive sentence.
Examples :
-          Do you eat fish? No I don’t
-          Have they got a car? Yes they have.

Word Question
Sometimes we want more than yes or no for an answer. When asking for information, we usually place a question-word at the beginning of the sentence. The question-word indicates the information that we want, like : where (place), when (time), why (reason), who (person).
Examples :
-          Where is the hotel?
-          Who has just arrived?

Choice  questions
Sometimes we give our listener a choice. We ask them to choose between two possible answers. So their answer is (usually) already in the question.
            Examples :
-          Do you want tea or coffe ? Coffe Please
-          Is your car white or black ? Black

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Find the definition of subject, verb, object, modifier and find the theory of subject – verb agreements

Find the definition of subject, verb, object, modifier and find the theory of subject – verb agreements

1. Find the definition of subject, verb, object, modifier!
o       Subject
The subject of a sentence is a noun, a person, place, thing, idea, or feeling.  The subject often, but not always, comes at the beginning of the sentence.  The subject can be more than one noun. The subject is always performing an action, doing something, being something, or feeling something. Subjects are always nouns or noun equivalents (pronouns, gerunds, certain infinitives, phrases made from these verbals, and noun clauses). The subject is the person, place, or thing that does or controls the action of the verb. It is the concept that answers the question who? or what? does or is in relation to the verb.

o       Verb
Verbs are action words.  Run and jump are verbs.  Some actions are more subtitle.  Stay and wait are verbs.  Even to be is a verb.  Every sentence has at least one verb.  There can be more than one. A sentence can consist of nothing but a subject and a verb. The verb is most often defined as the word or words that express action or state of being. The trouble with this definition is that it is so broad that it is difficult to pin down just when a word expresses action" or "being." Verbals seem to express action, and even some nouns seem to convey a sense of action (the race, his answer, my worry, for example).
Maybe a better way to pin down the sentence verb is to find the word or words in the sentence that express action or state of being but also display some of the formal characteristics of verbs, those characteristics which have to do with the different spellings of the word in question, that is, the different forms of the word.
o       Object
A sentence can have more than one noun.  While a subject performs an action, an object is a noun that has action performed on it.  The object usually comes after the verb.  The following examples have a subject, then a verb, then an object.

o       Modifier
Another very common sentence element is modifiers.  Modifiers use adjectives or adverbs to describe, define, limit, or modify nouns or verbs.  A modifier can be a single word or a phrase. Modifiers are all of those adjective or adverb words, phrases, or clauses that change (modify) the meaning of other words, phrases or clauses. Although they take many forms, there are only two kinds of modifiers-adjective and adverb.

 Example :                    1. When he arrives, we can try to build a fort.
                                    2. The small dog was reluctant to learn new things.
                                    3. As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone
                                    4. Walking on the ice, she slipped and fell.
                                    5. To make lemonade, you first need some lemons.

2.      Find the theory of subject – verb agreements!

Subject-verb agreement just means using the right version of the verb to agree with the subject. For the examples :

If you use the term "verb conjugation," your mates will probably think you're bit of brainbox, but it just means "how verbs change to agree with their subjects."

It's really simple. If you're a native English speaker, you'll naturally ensure your verbs agree with their subjects (i.e., conjugate correctly).

 Example :             1. Basketballs roll across the floor.
                              2. Peter doesn’t like vegetables.
                              3. These clothes are too small for me.
                              4. I don’t understand the assignment
                              5. My dog always growls at the postal carrier

Senin, 05 Januari 2015


Dolphin Pool in The Campus

For students who attend lectures at the University Gunadarma, especially those at the Campus J1, Bekasi certainly no stranger to the pool which was in front of the main door of the University Gunadarma. His name is also a tradition, that is what I received and feel that day, must feel the cold and dirty water dolphin pool - dolphin which was in front of the main door. "DOLPHIN" That famous name.
Yeah tradition ... it's a tradition for every student who again repeated years must have felt, in cooperation gang - crowded and thrown into the pool was even many who do not accidentally come plunged into it. By tradition and this ridiculous phenomenon we can keep the memory of lectures with a little silly things, not merely about learning. Strengthen the friendship that's for sure, and maximize the benefits of the pond, not only in terms of beauty, because it could be a means of work on a friend

Campus and Trash Disposing

Woow !! A word spoken during the first visit to campus Gunadarma Univeersitas j5. How not, when he got in front of the gate of the campus eyes and nose immediately presented by garbage heap and smells is not good. A question that immediately comes to my mind, why the campus is adjacent to the dump? And until now I do not know the answer. Apart from all that, this campus is the latest campus owned by Gunadarma. Which is also part of the campus j1 Kalimalang. Buildings that are new, make this place so comfortable and all the facilities also available complete. All that we feel when the first came in, as if relieved by the comfort and coolness classrooms each floor caused by the air conditioner installed in every corner of the building. 
Hhhmm comfort, hopefully those landfills relocates immediately, amiiin.

My College Major

If glimpse considered majoring in computer system was fun and are not too complicated, really! My initial introduction of the new time yet to find trouble. but a month then feel the passage of time, hmm I was shocked and could not live like this lecture material. Never imagined before will learn the science that seemed to me so super duper hard.

How Not each practicum there must be a process task that period could spend my whole night (lebay little hehe) sometimes can not be resolved even then perfectly ... originally body, too, protested because of lack of rest. But with the passage of time one can be resolved with the first half of the IP right - pasan..hikss !!! but yes, still does not make me give up and made a commitment to the future should be better, more serious and harder.

Not feel now I have half 6 and get to work on writing Ilmiah..Alhamdulillah all can be lived well thanks to the support of friends - friends solid and not stingy science. Hopefully this scientific writing can run smoothly and I was able to graduate on time, Amiiin.


For lovers of football in this medern era who does not know Lionel Andrés Messi, agile players fc barcelona club's home is the world's best player for 4 years in a row - row. Little review of Lionel Messi. Lionel Andrés Messi (born June 24, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina) is a football player who since childhood has played for FC Barcelona and Argentina. Considered one of the best football players of his generation, Messi received several Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player nominations at the age of 21, and won in 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2013. Messi began playing football at a young age and potential was quickly identified by Barcelona. Success Bacelona become the world's best team out of the role of a Lionel Messi. The Argentine striker has become the life of Barcelona. With a height of less than 170 cm, the player is actually more suited to play in the Asia League, but who would have thought to make Lionel Messi body kemungilan be agile and nimble players coupled with his running speed is above average. By relying on his left leg, he ran past three to four opposing players and eventually scored. Many say, Messi is the incarnation of the maestro Dieogo Maradona. Moreover, Messi ever scored by hand, which is better known by the hand of god goal. Barcelona is very fortunate to have great players like Lionel Messi. With him, the Spanish club become the most feared clubs in Europe. Messi nickname El Messiah, was born to be an artist gridiron. Today many wealthy European clubs who started teasing messi to move from the Catalan club, but the desire these clubs may be in vain because messi has extended his contract until 2018 and in barcelona maybe he will retire there


The name Barcelona seems to have been familiar with the football. Everyone who heard the name of Barcelona, not just imagine a beautiful and great city in Spain, but also a very famous football clubs around the world.

want to know more about barcelona ??

Barcelona is part of the province of Catalonia. Therefore, laliga champion in 2012 it is the pride of the people of Catalonia. The club, which had stood since 1899 may not need much introduction.

They are one of the most successful clubs in Spain, Europe and even the world. The proof is nicknamed La Blaugrana club is already 22 times won La Liga and won the tournament several times European level.

Not just a trophy, Barca also includes a team that always displays an entertaining game, patterned attack, anti soccer negative and very productive. They also have a lot of loyal supporters both in Spain and outside Spain.

Barca headquartered at Camp Nou stadium, which can accommodate about 98 700 spectators. This club is one of the pioneers of La Liga or the establishment of the First Division in the 1928/29 season, along with Real Madrid and Athletic Bilbao. Barca managed to win the first season of La Liga. The third club has never been relegated to date. But in terms of achievement, only Real Madrid were able to compete with Barca.

      Meetings Barca and Madrid in La Liga always occurred fierce and exciting. Duel both teams nicknamed El Clasico because they almost always turn to dominate the league. Although often hostile, there are some players who played for both clubs. Of course, the player who moved from Barcelona to Madrid and vice versa, will not get a warm welcome at his old club.

      For example, Luis Figo. Portuguese midfielder's move from Barcelona to Madrid. When the two teams met at the Camp Nou, Figo received 'warm'. Besides disiuli and yelled most of the game, players from Portugal is given by the viewer as a pig's head would take the corner kick.

      Their core teams in this season are: Victor Valdes (goalkeeper), Gerard pique, Carles Puyol, Dani Alvez, Andres Iniesta, Jordi Alba, Xavi, Pedro, Neymar, Alexis Sanchez and the world's best player Lionel Messi today.


About Memo and Mail


            Memo is a concise message, the messages are written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand. According to the application, there is an official memo and private (unofficial). Memo is officially adopted as a statement of the formal relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Used as a personal memo memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends , relatives , or others who have a relationship familiar.

            There are two types of scrap, which is the official and unofficial memo. Official memos are usually made by government agencies or organizations. While not an official memo can be made by anyone. Writing a short message should be noticed that the effectiveness of sentences and language mannered. In this case you need to notice that the use of the phrase effective, communicative, and politeness in a short message intended that the core message can be understand without causing any questions and miss understandings.

            Writing short messages should also notice the correct spelling with the aim of the message recipient or the intended person can understand the message properly. Some things that are often overlooked in the writing of a short message that the use of abbreviations of words that are not common and the use of punctuation.

            Messages can send either directly or indirectly. For indirect message, the message means sending in writing. In writing a message in writing, please observe the following.
  1. Write clearly to whom the message is shown.
  2. Write down who makes the message.
  3. Write a message to yan polite language.
  4. Write the message with an effective sentence / short and easy to understand.

  1. Special letters made ​​specifically for the purposes of the office or organization
  2. Judging from the circulation, an office or organization may submit a memo horizontally and vertically
  3. Submission is horizotal a memo to the delivery office which has the equivalent
  4. Submission vertically a memo delivery of superiors to subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered something
  5. Is a form of communication that give advice, guidance, or information about something
  6. Have a piece of mail that is much simpler than the official letter in general, especially in the letter.


MAIL is the means of communication used to convey information written by one party to another. That information can be:
  1. Notification
  2. Statement
  3. Command
  4. Request / petition
  5. Report

  1. As a means of communication.
  2. As a means to deliver a notification / request or petition, thoughts or ideas.
  3. As written evidence.
  4. As a means to remember.
  5. As the historical evidence.
  6. As guidelines.


Viewed in terms of shape, contents and language, the letter classified into three types, namely:
  1. Personal mail
  2. Letter of services
  3. Letter of commerce

Personal Mail
The letter was made by someone whose contents regarding personal interests. Communication between children and parents, partner, and between friends. Used postcards, postal letter, or letter hardback.

Mail Office
All written communications concerning the interests of the tasks and activities of service agencies. One official communication tool which is very important in the management of the administration, such as the delivery of a written message containing notices, explanations, requests, statements of opinion to other agencies and institutions from institutions to individuals or vice versa.

Mail of Commerce
Letter employed persons or entities conducting commercial business activities, such as trade, industry, and business services.

 Various commercial letters:
  1. a mail of offer                      
  2. The complaint letter
  3. Mail order
  4. Mail delivery
  5. Mail payment of goods
  6. Collection letters, and soon.

Parts of a private letter:
                          ..................... .. ... .1
  ....... ... ..2
  ...... ....... 3
 ................ .................. .4
 ...................... ............ .5
 ......................... ......... .6
                                          ............... .7
                                          ............... .8
                                          ............... .9
  1. The place, date, month, year letter writing
  2. Mailing address                          
  3. Regards opener
  4. The opening sentence
  5. The contents of the letter                    
  6. The concluding sentence
  7. Regards Cover
  8. Signature
  9. Name of the sender

Parts of official letters
  1. Head of the letter                                          
  2. No, Attachments, Subject
  3. Date, month, year letter writing
  4. Mailing address
  5. Regards opener                  
  6. The opening sentence
  7. The letter
  8. The concluding sentence                
  9. Regards cover                        
  10. Signature
  11. Name of the sender
Framework letter:
  1. The opening paragraph
  2. Paragraph contents
  3. Paragraph cover