Rabu, 12 November 2014


  • Inquiry Letters

Definition The inquiry letters is a letter of offer of a service / goods. This letter may be addressed to the individual / institution / company known as fiber-sale. The main function of the offer letter for offering goods to potential buyers. The other function is an offer to do the same job.

Function Inquiry letters

  • Product introductions.
  • Promotion.

  • Order Letters

Definition The order letters is made ​​by letter addressed to the seller the buyer to order the desired items.

Function Order letters

  • as an assessment of the quality of an item.
  • as evidence to submit an item.

  • Complaint Letters

Definition The complaint Letters is a notification letter from the buyer / buyer to the seller, because the goods are not received in accordance with the order.

Function Complaint Letters

  • Items requested are not appropriate.
  • The item are damaged or not good.

  • Application Letters

Definition The application letters is made ​​for a wide range, such as a letter for a job application, resettlement, and others.

Function Application Letters

  • as applications for jobs.
  • as a communication media.

  • Memo

Definition The memo is a short letter that is used to convey a particular message. Memo commonly used in a hurry, time is limited, urgent, or convey a message to someone but that person does not exist in place.

Function Memo

  • To convey the message in a reply a short
  • as the delivery of the message to people that is not there

Example Letters

1. Inquiry Letters

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

Phone Number


Individual's Name

Job Title

Name of Organization

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:

Perhaps you are seeking an addition to your marketing team. A new person can provide innovative approaches to the challenges of marketing. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success.

Presently, I am marketing computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for putting forth the effort required to make a project succeed.

Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss my talents and how I can benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.


(Your Signature in blue or black ink)

Your typed name


Source: Creative Job Search, a publication of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

2. Order Letters

154 Green Avenue

Newyork, USA

January 5, 2010

Ms. K. Hutchinson 

Beller Company, Inc. 

424 Park Avenue 

New York, New York 10021 

Dear Ms. Hutchinson : 

Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post : 

1 copy Emmet and Mullen, 

High School Algebra @ $7.50 $ 7.50 

25 copies Pinehurst, 

Plane Geometry @ $8.75 $ 218.75 

Total $ 226.25 

I am enclosing a money order for 226.25. If there are additional charges, please let me know. 

Please mail the books to the address given above. 

Very truly yours, 

Brandon Michael

(Adapted from Let’s Write English by George E. Wishon & Julia M. Burks)

3. Complaint Letters

56 Disgruntled Street

Somewhere Unhappy


Customer Service Manager

That Awful Company

Somewhere Awful


June 15, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from your company on June 12, 2008. I was visited by a representative of That Awful Company, Mr. Madman, at my home on that day.

Mr. Madman was one hour late for his appointment and offered nothing by way of apology when he arrived at noon. Your representative did not remove his muddy shoes upon entering my house, and consequently left a trail of dirt in the hallway. Mr. Madman then proceeded to present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone I was not interested in. I repeatedly tried to ask your representative about the products that were of interest to me, but he refused to deal with my questions. We ended our meeting after 25 minutes without either of us having accomplished anything.

I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning (and half a day's vacation) waiting for Mr. Madman to show up. My impression of That Awful Company has been tarnished, and I am now concerned about how my existing business is being managed by your firm. Furthermore, Mr. Madman's inability to remove his muddy shoes has meant that I have had to engage the services, and incur the expense, of a professional carpet cleaner.

I trust this is not the way That Awful Company wishes to conduct business with valued customers—I have been with you since the company was founded and have never encountered such treatment before. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss matters further and to learn of how you propose to prevent a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

V. Angry

4. Application Letters





City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I am interested in the assistant position advertised in XXX. I am currently employed as Legislative Director for Assemblywoman XXXX, Chairperson of the NYS Assembly XXX. I accepted this position because of the emphasis on the writing and research skills which are applicable to your requirements for an author’s assistant. My experience in the NYS Assembly has afforded me the opportunity to become familiar with the consolidated and unconsolidated laws of the State of New York. I also have extensive experience in legal and policy research.

In my position as Legislative Director for Ms. XXX, I prepare her personal legislation which deals with issues relative to her position as Senior Member of the NYS Assembly Standing Committee on XXXX. In as much as she is Chairperson of the XXX Committee I am, of course, heavily involved in the current welfare and Medicaid reform movement.

In response to your search for an assistant, I believe my experience in the Legislature, and my research and writing skills qualify me for consideration. If you would like, I can provide you with current samples of my work.

To further acquaint you with the specifics of my background I am enclosing my resume. I hope you will consider me for this position. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail.


Signature (hard copy letter)

FirstName LastName

5. Memo

TO:                  Senior Management Team


RE:                  Developing a Smart Paper Plan


I’m writing to let you know that we will soon launch an effort to devise and implement a company-wide “Smart Paper Plan.” As you might know, we use several tons of paper a year in the office. That’s perfectly normal for an office our size; by one estimate, an average office employee creates approximately 350 pounds of wastepaper a year. But by carefully marshaling our resources, we should be able to reduce that amount significantly, helping the environment while helping our own bottom line.

The core components of our Smart Paper Plan will be:

ü  Conserving paper, by relying on email distribution, using half-sheet fax cover sheets, using both sides of a sheet of paper, and other means.

ü  Recycling paper, by redoubling our efforts to make sure we capture every scrap of recyclable paper.

ü  Purchasing ecologically superior paper, made with significant postconsumer recycled content and other important environmental attributes.

We’ll begin the effort by creating a Smart Paper Team that includes representatives of the various departments. The team will lead a company-wide diagnosis of our current paper practices and develop a draft Smart Paper Plan, complete with specific recommendations, for consideration by senior management. We will together review the plan, make any changes, additions, or deletions, and then begin implementation.

This is an important effort to the company, not just because it will save us money, but because it can make an important contribution to the environment. The production of paper takes an enormous environmental toll, significantly reducing forests, emitting toxic pollution from production processes, and creating a great quantity of paper products in landfills. By reducing our own contribution to these environmental problems, we can be better corporate citizens.

I believe it will also offer us important employee morale and public relations benefits as well. I hope that as we devise and implement the plan we will be able to foster a top-to-bottom commitment to smart paper practices, and that we will all be proud of the contribution the plan will make to the environment. Of course, once we have developed and implemented a plan that we can be truly proud of, I expect we will be eager to brag a little to our customers about the plan.

In short, I hope our efforts to devise and implement a Smart Paper Plan will be helpful to us on many fronts. I hope you’ll join in this effort enthusiastically. Thanks very much

 Sumber : www.Google.com

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Definition Business Letter

A business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey goodwill. Even today, the business letter is still very useful because it produces a permanent record, is confidential, formal and delivers persuasive, well-considered messages.

           The most important element you need to ensure in any business letter is accuracy. One of the aspects of writing a business letter that requires the most accuracy is knowing which type of business letter you are writing. A number of options are available for those looking to trade in business correspondence, and you will significantly increase your odds for getting a reply if you know the form you need to send.

1. Letter of Complaint
A letter of complaint will almost certainly result in an official response if you approach it from a businesslike perspective. Make the complaint brief, to the point and polite. Politeness pays off regardless of the extent of anger you are actually feeling while composing this type of business letter.

2. Resume Cover Letter
A cover letter that accompanies a resume should revel in its brevity. You should take as little time and as few words as possible to accomplish one task: persuading the reader to anticipate reading your resume. Mention the title of the job for which you are applying, as well or one or two of your strongest selling points.

3. Letter of Recommendation
A recommendation letter allows you to use a few well-chosen words to the effect of letting someone else know how highly you value a third party. Resist the temptation to go overboard; approach your recommendation in a straightforward manner that still allows you to get the point across.

4. Letter of Resignation
An official letter of resignation is a business letter that should be fair and tactful. Be wary of burning any bridges that you may need to cross again in the future. Offer a valid reason for your resignation and avoid self-praise.

5. Job Applicant Not Hired
In some cases you may be required to write a business letter that informs a job applicant that he was not chosen for an open position. Offer an opening note of thanks for his time, compliment him on his experience or education and explain that he was just not what the company is looking for at the present time.

6. Declining Dinner Invitation
Declining a dinner invitation is a topic for a business letter that, if not done tactfully, may result in a social disadvantage. Extend your appreciation for the invitation and mention that you already have an engagement for that date. Do not go into detail about what the engagement is.

7. Reception of Gift
It is very polite to return a formal business response letting someone know that you have received her gift. Extend a personalized thanks to let her know that you are exactly aware of the contents of the gift. If possible, it is a good idea to include a sentiment suggesting that you have put the gift to use.

8. Notification of Error
When sending a business letter that lets the receiving party know that an error has been corrected, it is good business sense to include a copy of the error in question if there is paperwork evidence of it. Make the offer of additional copies of material involved in the error if necessary.

9. Thanks for Job Recommendation
A letter of thanks for a party that helped you get a job should be professional and courteous. Above all else, avoid the temptation to go overboard in offering your thanks. Be aware that your skills also helped you land the job and it was likely not handed to you as a result of the third party.

10. Information Request
A business letter that requests information should make the request specific and perfectly understandable. It is also a good idea to state the reason for the information request. Extend advance appreciation for the expected cooperation of the recipient.


1. Letterhead
Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.

2. The date of the letter
Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all four digits October 12, 2005 (12 October 2005 – UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings st, nd, rd, th, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.

3. The Inside Address
In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient’s name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient’s name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient ‘s name. The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9″ business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.

4. The Greeting / Salutation
Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word “Dear” and always includes the person’s last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).
5. The Subject Line (optional)
Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: orRe: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the “inside address,” before the “greeting.”

6. The Body Paragraphs
The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with “I”. Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

7. The Complimentary Close
This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting “Dear Sir or Madam” must end “Yours faithfully”, while a letter starting “Dear ” must end “Yours sincerely”. (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized).

8. Signature and Writer’s identification
The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

9. Initials, Enclosures, Copies
Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put ‘Enclosure’, ‘Enc.’, or ‘ Encs. ‘, as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. cc means a copy or copies are sent to someone else.

·         Block Style
·         Semi Block Style
·         Full Block Style
·         Indented Style
·         Simplified Style
·         Hanging indentation Style


Media Computers                                                                      Bekasi, November 5th 2014
5th Floor, Bekasi Square
Blok E19, Bekasi Timur


Dear Mr. Boas Salosa,

I am interested in the items contained in the Computer Magazine December 10 issue of the Computer Magazine 2013. I want to order :
1.                  4 piece external hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes
2.                  4 internal hard drive with capacity of 1 terabytes
3.                  4 piece external hard drive with a capacity 500 gigabytes
Please be sent to the address at Lumbu Utara street number 19, Bekasi Timur. For the payment I will immediately transfer into your account is listed on your ads in the Computer Magazine.

                                                                                                           Your Sincerely,


Note :
The reason I bougth it because when I saw the ads in a Computer Magazine I really interested in the goods being sold because it has lower price than the market

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Kampus J5

Kampus Ku dan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah

Woow!! Sebuah kata yang terucap saat pertama kali berkunjung ke kampus j5 Univeersitas Gunadarma. Bagaimana tidak, sesampainya di gerbang depan kampus mata dan hidung langsung disuguhkan oleh tumpukan sampah  dan aromanya yang tidak sedap.

Sebuah pertanyaan yang langsung terlintas di pikiran saya, kenapa kampus ini bersebelahan dengan tempat pembuangan sampah? Dan sampai sekarang saya tidak tahu jawabannya

Terlepas dari semua itu, kampus ini merupakan kampus terbaru yang dimiliki oleh gunadarma. Yang juga merupakan bagian dari kampus j1 kalimalang. Bangunan gedung yang masih baru, membuat tempat ini begitu nyaman dan semua fasilitas juga sudah tersedia lengkap.

Semua yang kita rasakan  ketika pertama datang tadi, seakan terobati  dengan kenyamanan ruang kelas dan kesejukan setiap lantai  yang disebabkan oleh mesin pendingin ruangan yang terpasang disetiap sudut gedung.

Hhhmm nyamannya, semoga tempat pembuangan sampah tersebut berpindah lokasi secepatnya, amiiin.

sistem komputer (curhatan)


Kalau selintas dipikirkan jurusan sistem komputer itu menyenangkan dan tidak telalu rumit...benar! waktu baru pengenalan awal saya belum menemukan kesulitan . tapi sebulan berjalannya waktu  barulah terasa..hmm saya terkejut dan seperti tak sanggup menjalani materi perkuliahan ini. Tak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya akan mempelajari ilmu yang rasanya bagiku begitu super duper sulit.
Bagaiman tidak...! setiap praktikum pasti ada saja tugas yang masa pengerjaannya bisa menghabiskan waktu tidurku semalaman (lebay dikit hehe) kadang itupun tak bisa terselesaikan dengan sempurna...awalnya tubuhnpun ikut protes karna kurang istirahat. Tapi dengan berjalannya waktu 1 semester pertama dapat terselesaikan dengan IP yang pas – pasan..hikss!!! tapi ya, tetap tidak membuatku menyerah dan membuat tekad untuk kedepan harus lebih baik, serius dan lebih giat lagi.
Tak terasa sekarang saya sudah semester 6 dan bersiap untuk mengerjakan Penulisan Ilmiah..Alhamdulillah semua dapat dijalani dengan lancar berkat dukungan teman – teman yang solid dan tak pelit ilmu. Semoga Penulisan ilmiah ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan saya bisa lulus tepat waktu, Amiiin. 



Untuk mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan di Universitas Gunadarma, terutama yang bertempat di Kampus J1, Bekasi pastilah tidak asing lagi dengan kolam yang berada di depan pintu utama Universitas Gunadarma.
Namanya juga tradisi, itulah yang harus saya terima dan rasakan hari itu, harus merasakan dingin dan kotornya air kolam lumba – lumba yang berada didepan pintu utama tersebut. “ DOLPHIN “ itulah nama bekennya hehe.
Tradisi yaah...sudah tradisi bagi setiap mahasiswa yang lagi berulang tahun  pasti merasakannya, di gotong beramai – ramai dan dilemparkan ke kolam itu bahkan banyak yang tak sengaja ikut tercebur kedalamnya.

Dengan tradisi dan fenomena konyol ini kita dapat menyimpan memori perkuliahan dengan sedikit hal-hal konyol, tak melulu tentang belajar. Mempererat hubungan pertemanan itu sudah pasti, dan memaksimalkan manfaat dari kolam tersebut, tidak hanya dari segi keindahan, karena bisa menjadi sarana mengerjai teman :)

Minggu, 06 April 2014



Menghamba pada keinginannya sendiri, di peralat oleh ke khawatiran, melarikan diri dan membelakangi kenyataan. Dasar para pemakai! Dengan bangganya ia berbuat salah, betapa salah membanggakannya. Ia ingin kebebasan tetapi selalu di kalahkan. Maka tidak ada yang lebih indah dari fantasi menurutnya.

Lehernya dirantai oleh pergaulan, cara pandangnya belum jinak dan kebaikannya adalah racun. Senyumnya adalah kemirisan, tawanya adalah kejanggalan. Ia tertipu, lalu menipu, kedustaan telah memadamkan sinar matanya.

Sadarilah bahwa pelarian hidup tidak memenangkan apa-apa !

Selama tidak merusak otak, selama tidak menggeser iman, selama tidak mengurung jiwa, selama tidak menindas hati, selama tidak memilih mati, apapun asalkan juaranya. Karna bila harus menjatuhkan lututmu, bila harus mencoreng wajahmu, bisa harus menundukan kepalamu, aku pikir apapun asal tidak tergoncang jati dirimu!



Bila aku menang, bila aku berhasil, bila lemariku penuh dengan piala dan brankasku sudah tidak muat di isi uang, aku masih tidak begitu senang, sebab semua itu tidak senikmat di marahi kamu. Sekarang berbeda. Mungkin aku tidak setegas kamu menegur aku saat aku menegur diri sendiri.

Aku tidak bisa mati dengan menahan nafas, demikian tak lupa dengan menahan sesal. Aku sedah banyak membaca buku, aku sudah menelan air laut berkali-kali, aku membunuh nyamuk, tetapi masih saja kamu yang aku cinta. Entah siapa-siapa saja yang sudah bosan mendengar ini, mungkin tinggal cermin saja yang masih semangat.

Bila kita harus berakhir, biat Tuhan saja yang ketuk palunua. Bukan mereka yang sudah marah, atau kita yang sudah lelah. Atau jika aku mati lebih dulu. Kamu boleh menangis dan melihat orang yang kamu cinta adalah manusia seratus persen. Aku bukan malaikat, bukan Tuhan, tetapi bukan setan yang mencelakakan, melainkan cinta yang tersimpan.